
Disclosure of Information

Disclosure of information

NuFlare Technology discloses corporate information, such as its management policies and financial data, in an appropriate and timely manner and in accordance with the NuFlare Technology Standards of Conduct, in order to gain accurate understanding and trust from stakeholders, including customers and shareholders.

NuFlare Technology Standards of Conduct(151 KB)

Basic Policies on Information Disclosure

  1. NuFlare Technology shall endeavor to obtain the understanding of stakeholders, including customers, shareholders and the local community, in respect of corporate activities, products and services, and further improve public recognition of NuFlare Technology and its corporate image by means of positive and timely corporate communications activities on business information, such as corporate strategy and financial data.
  2. NuFlare Technology shall conduct corporate communications by appropriate means, to enable customers, shareholders, potential investors and the members of the community of each country or region to obtain a reasonable understanding of NuFlare Technology's activities. The company shall respect the rights of customers and third parties while ensuring compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and contracts.
  3. NuFlare Technology shall obtain prior consent from the persons responsible for corporate communications before disclosing business information to analysts and to the media, including newspapers, magazines and television stations.
  • Note: Herein, “business information” includes any information regarding actions, or activities which may raise the suspicion of such actions, prohibited by these Standards of Conduct (hereinafter called “Risk Compliance Information”).